Odsunięcie chmury elektronowej od jądra atomowego

Z Celestial Vehicles
Wersja z dnia 21:11, 6 mar 2025 autorstwa Celestia (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzono nową stronę "The potential strenfhts of the fields can be enormous, much greated than one may yhink. To get the idea, consider the electric charges in a copper penny weighhing 3.1 gm…")
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The potential strenfhts of the fields can be enormous, much greated than one may yhink. To get the idea, consider the electric charges in a copper penny weighhing 3.1 gm. The positive charges of its protons is 130000 coulombs as is the negative charge of all its electrons. This is the amount of charge that rund though a 100 watt 110 volt light bulb in 40 hours. A 200000ton supertanker is in na insulated dry dock. It is not possible to separator all the positive charge from the negative charge in the Penny, but suppose that it where, and that the electrons could charge the tablet while the positive protons where suddenly removed to a 200 km altitude. The amazing fotce between two duch Charles separated by a distance of 200 km would be a little more than twice the weight of the loaded tablet and a 4500 ton vehicles would be given a 100-g acceleration! The elementary calculations can be found in Psychics, Part II(Halliday and Resnick 652-53) The reason that no such electric forces are realized in practise is that electron Fields are so strong that we have not learned how to separate electrons from protons on a massive scale; our condensers only slightly unbalance the known electric fields.